Rajni Kaushik
TÃœV SÃœD PSB Pte Ltd, Singapore
Dr. Kaushik has completed her PhD from National University of Singapore and postdoctoral studies from Singapore-MIT alliance for Reseach and Technology. She is currently Principal Microbiologist at TÜV SÜD Water services. Dr. Kaushik has previous stints in UNILEVER R&D, involving designing and testing water purifier piloting, verification and performance optimization against Bacterial, Viral and Protozoan pathogens. Dr. Kaushik has also authored multiple high-impact air and water microbiology themed papers and book chapter. She successfully provided educational mentorship and coaching during her doctorate and post doctorate studies to final year projects on Microbial diagnostics. In TÜV SÜD, Dr Kaushik is primarily focusing on technical consultancy on Environmental microbiology, Sanitation, and product testing against microbial pathogens.
Abstract : Rethinking standardisation for non-sewered sanitation to fight waterborne infections