Chrissanthy Papadopoulou
University of Ioannina (UOI)
Chrissanthy Papadopoulou is Professor in Microbiology at the University of Ioannina (UOI) Greece, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences. She received BSc in Veterinary Medicine, MSc in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and PhD in Microbiology from AUTH, Greece. She started her academic career (1984) with a tenured lectureship at the Department of Microbiology, Medical School, UOI and from then onwards she advanced her career through the positions of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor. She has been trained through long or short sabbaticals in LSHTM and CPHLS (UK), University of Bonn and University of Cologne (Germany). She is Member of several scientific committees at national and international level, including EU Indepedent Expert, EU National Representative, INTAS expert evaluator, EACEA expert evaluator, Ad hoc Expert for the Republics of Cyprus and Slovakia, Invited Indepedent Expert for the New Eurasia Foundation, Member of the Pool of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Commission Health and Consumers Directorate General (Public Health and Risk Assessment), Member of the ESCMID and the Food & Water-borne Infections Study Group (EFWISG), Diplomate of the ECVPH and member of the ECVPH Credentials Committee. She has authored numerous publications in international and national peer-reviewed journals and she is invited reviewer in 51 international scientific journals.
Research Interest
Her research interests are focused on the detection, identification and antibiotic resistance of pathogens transmitted from animals to humans through the food-chain and is supporter of the One Health initiative.